Why is the analysis for some projects based on their carbon estimation areas (CEAs) while, in others, it is based on the entire project area?
Until April 2023, the Clean Energy Regulator was prohibited from publishing the location of the CEAs. Proponents and carbon service providers have always been free to publish the location of the CEAs but they have chosen not to do so.
The Independent Review into ACCUs (known as the Chubb review) found the statutory restrictions on data sharing and disclosure were undermining trust and confidence in the scheme. It recommended that information about the scheme and individual projects, including CEAs, be made public.
In response to this recommendation, the Albanese Government amended the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (Cth) to require the inclusion of CEA data on the ERF Project Register. However, it allowed proponents to apply for an exemption on the grounds the publication of the information could ‘substantially prejudice the commercial interests of the project proponent of another person’. This has created two classes of projects: those whose CEA data is published; and those whose CEA data have been withheld.
The analysis of projects is based on CEA data where it has been published on the ERF Project Register. In instances where the CEAs have been withheld, the analysis on the Explorer is based on the entire project area.