Media and Publications

Here we list, in order of publication, an extensive list of media and publications concerning integrity problems with carbon offset schemes. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centre for Environment and Integrity.

Australian carbon offsets

Macintosh, A., Evans, M. C., Butler, D., Larraondo, P., Edirisinghe, C., Hunter, K. B., Evans, M. J., Ansell, D., Waschka, M., & Lindenmayer, D. (2024). Non-compliance and under-performance in Australian human-induced regeneration projects, Rangeland Journal, vol. 46, no. 5.

Macintosh, A., Evans, M. C., Larraondo, P., Butler, D., Eldridge, D. & Ansell, D. (2024), Analysis of Brack report on Human Induced Regeneration Gateway Regeneration Checks, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D. & Wilkinson, D. (2024), 'The great carbon offset scam', The Saturday Paper, 30 March.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Larraondo, P., Evans, M. C., Ansell, D., Waschka, M., Fensham, R., Eldridge, D., Lindenmayer, D., Gibbons, P. & Summerfield, P. (2024), 'Australian human-induced native forest regeneration carbon offset projects have limited impact on changes in woody vegetation cover and carbon removals', Nature: Communications Earth & Environment, vol. 5.

Butler, D. (2023), 'What do chewed shrubs actually tell us about forest regeneration?', The Australian National University, Canberra.

Eldridge, D. (2023) 'Statement by Professor David Eldridge on misuse of research: July 2023', video, Centre for Environment and Integrity Pty Ltd, Canberra.

Fensham, R. (2023) Review of current literature on suppression mechanisms identified in the Human-Induced Regeneration of a Permanent Even-Aged Native Forest method (specifically the management of livestock and feral animals), and the manner and extent to which they act to suppress the regeneration of native vegetation, Draft Report, Centre for Environment and Integrity Pty Ltd, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D.,  Evans, M. C., Waschka, M. & Ansell, D. (2023) Response to Clean Energy Regulator and Department of Climate Change Energy Environment and Water (DCCEEW) Statement on the Analysis of the Integrity Risk and Performance of Human-induced Regeneration (HIR) Projects using CEA data, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D.,  Evans, M. C., Waschka, M. & Ansell, D. (2023) Summary Results of Analysis of the Integrity Risk and Performance of Human-induced Regeneration (HIR) Projects using CEA data, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Larraondo, P., Butler, Waschka, M., Evans, M. C. & Ansell, D. (2023) The under-performance of human-induced regeneration (HIR) projects: Analysis of misinformation disseminated by the Clean Energy Regulator, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Butler, D., Waschka, M., Evans, M. C., Ansell, D., Larraondo, P. & Macintosh, A. (2023) Correcting the Record: Response to Professor Chubb’s Statement on Carbon Farming, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Evans, M. C., Waschka, M. & Ansell, D. (2023) Tortured recommendations, incomplete and unsubstantiated findings: an analysis of the report of the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Evans, M. C., Waschka, M. & Ansell, D. (2023) Implications of the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and low integrity ACCUs for Australia’s Safeguard Mechanism, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Wilson, R., Hare, B., Grant, N. & Houlie, T. (2023) Why offsets are not a viable alternative to cutting emissions, Climate Analytics, Berlin.

Macintosh, A., Larraondo, P., Butler, D., Ansell, D., Waschka, M. & Evans, M. C. (2022) Trends in forest and sparse woody cover inside ERF HIR project areas relative to those in surrounding areas, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Ansell, D. & Waschka, M. (2022) Integrity Problems with the ERF’s 2022 Plantation Forestry Method, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Evans, M. C., Larraondo, P., Ansell, D. & Waschka, M. (2022) Integrity and the ERF’s Human-Induced Regeneration Method: The Additionality Problem Explained, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Evans, M. C., Larraondo, P., Ansell, D. & Waschka, M. (2022) Integrity and the ERF’s Human-Induced Regeneration Method: The Measurement Problem Explained, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Evans, M. C., Ansell, D. &  Waschka, M. (2022) Fixing the Integrity Problems with Australia’s Carbon Market, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Ansell, D. & Waschka, M. (2022) The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF): Problems and Solutions, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D., Evans, M. C., Larraondo, P., Ansell, D. & Gibbons, P. (2022) The ERF’s Human-induced Regeneration (HIR): What the Beare and Chambers Report Really Found and a Critique of its Method, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A., Butler, D. &  Ansell, D. (2022) Measurement Error in the Emissions Reduction Fund's Human-induced Regeneration (HIR) Method, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Macintosh, A. (2022) The Emissions Reduction Fund's Landfill Gas Method: An Assessment of its Integrity, The Australian National University, Canberra.

International carbon offsets

West, P., Wunder, S., Sills, E., Borner, J., Rifai, S., Neidermeier, A. & Kontoleon, A. (2023) 'Action needed to make carbon offsets from tropical forest conservation work for climate change mitigation', Papers,

Randazzo, N., Gordon, D. & Hamburg, S. (2023) 'Improved assessment of baseline and additionality for forest carbon crediting', Ecological Applications, vol. 33(3), p. e2817-n/a.

Badgley, G., Freeman, J., Hamman, J., Haya, B., Trugman, A., Anderegg, W. & Cullenward, D. (2022) 'Systematic over-crediting in California's forest carbon offsets program', Global Change Biology, vol. 28(4), pp. 1433-1445.

Badgley, G., Chay, F., Chegwidden, O., Hamman, J., Freeman, J. & Cullenward, D. (2022) 'California's forest carbon offsets buffer pool is severely undercapitalized', Frontiers for Global Change, vol. 5.

Coffield, S., Vo, C., Wang, J., Badgley, G., Goulden, M., Cullenward, D., Anderegg, W. & Randerson, J., (2022) Using remote sensing to quantify the additional climate benefits of Carlifornia forest carbon offset projects, Global Change Biology, vol. 28(22), pp. 6789-6806.

Guizar‐Coutiño, A., Jones, J., Balmford, A., Carmenta, R. & Coomes, D. (2022) 'A global evaluation of the effectiveness of voluntary REDD+ projects at reducing deforestation and degradation in the moist tropics', Conservation Biology, vol. 36 (6), p. e13970-n/a.

Calel, R., Colmer, J., Dechezleprêtre, A. & Glachant, M. (2021) 'Do carbon offsets offset carbon?', CESifo Working Paper No. 9368, Munich Society for the Promotion of Economic Research, Munich.

Haya, B., Cullenward, D., Strong, A., Grubert, E., Heilmayr, R., Sivas, D. & Wara, M. (2020) 'Managing uncertainty in carbon offsets: insights from California’s standardized approach', Climate Policy, vol. 20(9), pp. 1112–1126.

West, P., Borner, J., Sills, E., Kontoleon, A. (2020) 'Overstated carbon emissions reductions from voluntary REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon', PNAS, vol. 117(39), pp. 24188-24194.

Cames, M., Ralph, O., Füssler, J., Lazarus, M., Lee, C., Erickson, P., Spalding-Fecher, R. (2016) 'How additional is the Clean Development Mechanism?', Institute for Applied Biology, Freiburg.

Kollmuss, A., Schneider, L. & Zhezherin, V. (2015) 'Has Joint Implementation reduced GHG emissions? Lessons learned for the design of carbon market mechanisms', SEI working paper, Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm.

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